Are these good ducks?


10 Years
Apr 16, 2009
well some of my chickens got killed last night,and my ducks got killed a month ago.I still feel the pain but id like to move one.The probem was that I didnt make a run for the ducks so they kept on going into the swamp inback of my house.Then they all disapeared.So id like to get new ducks.I plan on getting them at metzers.this time im going to build a run.I would like to get,cayugas,indian runners,welsh harlequins,a pekin,khaki cambells,and maybe a black swedish.Does anyone have any of the ducks mentioned?If so please tell me there chareristics.Any info will be apreciated.
I have 3 pekin, two cayugas, and one welsh harlequin. I've also had runners.

Pekins: My pekin is the first to talk to you. She's pretty friendly and a hoot to watch. She's second on the ducky totem pole. The other two are crested pekin ducklings. The one will let you pick her up but the other is shy.

Cayugas: Mine are shy but really sweet. These are my absolute favorites of the flock. I have one black and one blue. I love them.

Welsh Harlequins: These guys are gorgeous! They're great layers. My drake is very antisocial though. I love the looks though. I just got him on the 11th though, so he's not really used to me.

Runners: I am not a fan of these birds. They're good layers and come in lots of colors though. Mine were very skittish and my drake was very aggressive, although I know some people really love this breed.

Rouens: I know this wasn't on your list, but I thought I'd add my thoughts on these guys. I love them. I know they're very common, but I just think they're great. My rouen hen is such a doll. She's the first to do anything. She will come and eat out of my hand and runs right up to me. I love them! They're pretty and charismatic.

Good luck! Get one of each breed. If you do that, you can decide for yourself which you like best!
Here are my Metzer birds... (Welsh Harlequins)



Their baby picture...

As for the other breeds, I have an Indian Runner, but she doesn't look very runner-ish. She is afraid of her own shadow but lays eggs like a champ.

I had 2 khakis at one time. One drake and one hen. The drake HATED any younger ducks and would attack them but he was nice to his favorite girls. He always gave them first choice of the treats and was a good look out. The hen chased away squirrels. I miss her...LOL
I love my metzer ducks! I have 3 runners and a goose from them, and they are really friendly. I have some other runners that I got when older, and they are a pretty skittish. However, they are starting to warm up. The drake is not aggressive at all. And besides, runners are just SO fun to watch!
I have welsh harlequins ( trio) and a pair of cayugas from Metzers.. I love both varieties.. the two males will eat out of my hand and one of the female welsh harlequins.. The male cayuga is the head of the group right now along with one of the female welsh harlequins..
My Cayuga is very quiet, sweet and sometimes a loner if she can make one of the drakes follow her.

I used to have a black swede female and she was much the same. A little louder though.

Heck anything is quiet when compared to my buff and buff crosses, talk about loud mouths.
Forgot to mention I also have a runner drake. He is quite and actuallya gentleman as far as breeding goes, though I was told his dad was a rapist :tounge

But he is great fro alerting my girls about "danger" or anything new.
Umm another question is it true you can order like 5?Becouse I think they said you need to order atleast 10 ducklings,is this true?If it is then im going to order 4 crested mallards and a pekin from ideal instead.
Metzer lets you order less than 10. It costs extra though since they have to add a heat pack. Just give them a call.

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