Are these guys still cockerels?


8 Years
Jan 30, 2011
Tulsa, Ok
Ok, I was sold two Black copper Marans "pullets". I came on here and was told they were both roos. Since then, I was told in an email that they were poor quality bcm pullets, then told they were pullets, but not BCM, maybe Cochin crosses (which the lady that had the bcm also raised cochin.)

So they are 5 months (the little one is 4 months) and no crows still, no hackle or saddle feathers that are pointy. Their combs are the same as all my other 4-5 month old pullets (smaller than my leghorns and less red too)

Are they still cockerels? Any guess on what breed they really are?

Thank you.

He-She (used to be Hershey, but changed it)



Next to my Barnevelder, same age

Saddle feathers

Cocoa (it is 4 months old)


Hershey definitely looks like a pullet to me, not sure on Cocoa. They are definitely cochin/bcm crosses, though!
Your photo of the "saddle feathers" doesn't show any feathers on the back
Push the wings away and get a photo of the actual back. At this age, saddle feathers are just little babies on the back, despite what people constantly say otherwise.

The first one shown is definitely 100% cockerel.
Wouldn't the comb and hackle/saddle feathers be more prominent at 5 mos if they were boys, though? I do think the 4 mo old looks a little iffy, but I thought the first was a girl. I got rid of my little cochin cockerels around 3 mos b/c they were obviously boys, and I have BCM chicks that have pretty decent combs already at 5 weeks. Why are you so sure the first is a boy (I'm not trying to say you're wrong, I'm right, trying to learn from someone with more experience here.
Don't look at the comb and wattles. Many breeds don't have big ones, many shouldn't.

Look at the color, THEN comb and wattles. The first one has obvious boy color (girls can't have red shoulders on a black, blue, or splash bird) the second one sort of looks it too but there's no actual red there, and the comb/wattles are indeed small and dark. So the question relies on the back. I always look closely at the back, just between the wings of boys/girls this age.

A male will have very small, triangular, shiny feathers coming out. In a bird this color, they'll likely be red too.
When I am out petting them I look there and on the neck and there is nothing. I wish they would just crow or start getting some saddle feathers.

Can a rooster not ever get the saddle or hackle feathers? 5 months just seems so late. These are my first roosters I have had this long.

The lady taking them is finishing her coop. No prob since they are not crowing.

Also do you think they are poor bcm or mixes?

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