Are these really BLR Wyandotte chicks!?


8 Years
May 11, 2014
Rio Linda, California
I picked up two of these chicks from the feed store labeled Blue Laced Red Wyandottes (which I’ve been looking for forever so I was stoked!) and then after looking at them for a few hours at home I feel like the coloring isn’t right?! They are darker and more like black greyish, I’ve seen pictures of BLR chicks and they are usually more tan looking. I’m just looking for a second opinion! I’ve never had BLR chicks before so I’m not too sure!


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Interesting... they don't even appear to be laced... at all, let alone blue laced reds.
One (the darker one) definitely looks like a black variety of something... Though I can't be 100% sure, it looks like it has black markings on the shanks (a sign that it will have darkly colored legs when grown).
The more I look, the more the black one looks amazingly close to a black australorp chick... As for the gray one... it looks very similar, only lighter... just like a blue Australorp. :hmm

You can look at some pictures of Black and Blue Australorps here--->

However, that is only a wild guess from me, there are others here who would know much better than I. :)
Neither are Blue laced red Wyandottes .The leg color is wrong for Australorps. They are much too young to say anything more about them. Please post new photos at 8 weeks of age, when they should be fully feathered out.

Don't Australorp chicks' legs start out pink and as they mature, the legs darken?
I could be wrong...That is how all mine worked though... (I admit, I have only raised 2 from chicks, all the others I bought when mature). When I got my black Australorp chicks, they only had a little gray on the shanks... the rest was pink.
I am obviously not an expert though... I am almost always finding out something I missed. :)
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We had Australorp mix chicks black legs but that darker one kind of resembles an australorp hard to say when they are so little though probably not what you thought you were getting
Baby chicks and ducklings are so cute! I just got some ducklings from the "assorted box" because they were cute..... If only I knew what they were but time will tell and they are loved regardless!
It’s definitely a bummer they aren’t what I wanted but they’ll fit in just fine After looking at a bunch of chick pics they do look like blue or black australorps! I actually got them from the feed store I work at so tomorrow I’m going to try to get a list of the shipment, someone must have put out the wrong sign!!

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