Are these really welsh harlequin ducks?

The Raw Mama

In the Brooder
May 13, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I had a friend of the family drop off 3 welsh harlequin day old ducklings he came across at a sale, knowing I wanted this breed for our homestead. Their bills were dark so I assumed 3 males. One has since died from a leg injury but the other two are very healthy. Seeing as they came from a sale I wasn't at, I am second guessing their looks. They are SO much darker than any welsh harlequin ducklings I've ever seen. I know they change so much so fast but they just seem too dark... am I just paranoid?
This is them the day I got them

This is them after a couple weeks

And this is them now
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Sorry for your loss. How did the poor duckling injury his leg? I know nothing about ducks, please post on the duck threads at "Other Backyard Poultry" forum above.

They look like nice looking ducks to me.
Shoot, I thought I had posted in the ducks section. I've posted there now but how do I delete this thread now?

We had bad luck with the third duckling from the beginning. He had an eye infection that I successfully treated with ACV and water followed by Organic virgin coconut oil. Then a couple weeks later he seemed like his leg was sore but he would still walk on it and put pressure on it but limped. A few days ago I found him dead! I have no use how he injured his leg in the first place. He was always half the size as the others and very slow to develop so maybe he was overpowered somehow?

They're gorgeous friendly little ducallings regardless but if they are a different breed, it would just be nice to know

Glad you joined us!

Sorry about your loss!

I've never raised that breed, so I won't be much help.

If you want to move the thread, click the flag button on the bottom of your post, and ask for it to be moved, if I remember right.
Wow!! Everyone on here is so friendly! I've used this site many times when I've had any question about my livestock and yet I never joined. I should have joined sooner

These duckling are definitely silver appleyards and not welsh harlequins which I am still happy about!
I feel like I should brag about my othe babies too! We have 3 white leghorns, 1 red sex link (All 4 were battery hen rescues) and 6 jersey giants (2 roosters), and 3 goats! Not to mention the dogs cats and kids of my own. It's a busy household but so rewarding. Thanks for being so friendly everyone




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