Are we boy or girl chicks?? (new pics added!)


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
I have eight brahma bantams chicks 5 weeks of age. They are mixes of different types of Brahmas. I know the daddy is a dark and the momma hens are dark mixes. 4 of the eight chicks are mottled in color and I am starting to see iridescent feathers. Although they have these greenish feathers they look like pullets to me... combs yellow, developed evenly etc. Ever seen iridescent feathers in Brahma pullets? Thanks

Picture #1:
This picture shows the three main types of brahmas we have. On the left is a classic Dark Brahma Bantam (we are quite sure this is a hen, we have three of these) in the middle is a "mottled" Dark Brahma (we have four of these) and finally we have one Dark/Light Brahma Bantam.


Picture #2:
Here is another shot of all of them together


Picture #3:
This is a close-up of one of the "mottled" dark brahma's. The four chicks that look like this have one or two iridescent green feathers, along with a more "shaggy" look to them.


Picture #4:
This is Duck. We're 99% sure she's a lady. So cute!


Picture #5:
Another pic of the "mottled" chicks.


Picture #6:
A close up of our light/dark brahma bantam mix.

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I don't know enough about the breed to answer your question but I wanted to say I think they are beautiful. The light one looks like a typical light to me though...
Hmm... I'm not too sure about the genders of the other two, but I know Duck is a female. By the way, awesome pics! The light brahma is my favorite chicken. I hope to get more in this year's hatch. What's the white one's name?
The white one is named Bread! I hope Bread is a girl but we are not sure. Looks like we might have at least 5 males of 8. Maybe not the greatest luck but I think the girls are super cute.
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Ummm if Bread is the white one is pictures 1, 2 and 6 then he is a roo.
A BEAUTIFUL roo but a roo.

The one sitting next to Bread looks like a roo as well. It is hard to tell in the first picture because the face is blurry. But I say roo.

Picture 3 Pullet

Picture 4 Pullet

Picture 5 Pullet
Okay so it seems we have answers to the what are we question. Out of 8 we had 6 boys! All the mottled colored are boys! Rotten luck for this batch but the two girls are super cute! Thanks for your help BYC

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