Are Wyandotte a good breed to mix with others or too aggressive?


6 Years
May 24, 2016
Starting to shop around for the next breed I'd like to add to my flock in the spring. I'm loving the look and description of the Wyandotte. But after reading so many threads on here I'm very confused. Some say they are sweet and easy to have and others say they are very aggressive towards other chickens and fight a lot. So can I please have some input on it? My biggest concern is that I have a really calm, easy flock of Buff Orpington and barred rock, including a sweet rooster right now and I do not want to mess it up by bringing in an aggressive bird.
I haven't found my Wyandottes to be aggressive (as in harassing other birds constantly, pecking hard, fighting, etc.), but they do tend to be the dominant birds in a flock. They don't tolerate insubordination from their "subjects," and (in my experience) can be somewhat antisocial--they form sub-flocks of Wyandottes and stick together. However, once the other chickens are aware of a Wyandotte's dominance, there is usually little fighting. And, despite their behavior with other birds, I've found Wyandottes to be some of the gentlest, friendliest, and most entertaining birds when interacting with humans.
@BantamLover21 so in your opinion if I got them as day old chicks and intergrated them with my existing flock would they still dominate or since they're younger and smaller they wouldn't? (I'm new to this...still learning the chicken ways)

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