Are you the chick for me ??


11 Years
Oct 8, 2008
new to the chicken world but, have gotten pecked by the must own chicken bug pretty bad.. I dont know much yet.. I have done quite a bit of reading and so far it looks like my home is zoned for a few small quiet birds...( happy dance ) and my neighbors dont mind.. I have a young son who is all a tidder for chickens we are well known at the local farms!! and now it looks as though its time for us to jump in....but I want to do this right so any advice would be awsome.. I was thinking from what i have read that 3 older (maybe rescue ) Silke hens would be best for us.. we live in a 1950's style sub in mid Mi..we have a nice ( but not huge ) yard with plenty of garden space. I would like these birds to be pets.. loved and named.. if they should give an egg now and then great. My only consern with the Silkie breed is the broody-ness... I have read that the can become very upset if they cant become mothers and I dont want to have unhappy chickens... Are Silkies the bantam for me ? My husband and I only know chicken from KFC but we are willing to learn and want to do as much research as we can to add a happy flock to our happy home.

any help would just be great Thank you sooo much for your time,
I've got 1 each of Rhode Island Red, Barred Plymouth rock, Black sex-linked, and a bantam cochin. I got 1 of each b/c I wanted to see what the general breed characteristics were. Besides, they're reasy to tell apart!

Why not try my method - there was a method to my madness, after all! So far my least fav is the RIR but it seems like she's going to be the first to lay. She's very quiet, even though the farm suplly store said she'd be talkative. She's skittish.

The BPR is a great bird, as is the BSL. Good beggars. I mean "personalities". The cochin was a craigslist find for free. She was 2 mos when I got her and she's got a twisted beak. She's getting friendlier and more accustomed to being picked up, but still it's not her fav thing.

Anyway, I'd try a couple of different breeds if you've got space (I'm urban myself) and see what you like.

I hope to get a silkie, an easter egger, and maybe a polish in a year or so to see how I like those breeds. It's not because I'm addicted or anything. I could totally stop any time I want.
You've supplied such a great opportunity for my agenda that I just couldn't resist!
I volunteer at a farm animal rescue. So, please look into rescue before purchasing. There are numerous unwanted chicks in the world. Support a great cause, get a wonderful addition to your family-what more could you ask for? Try or just google animal rescue in your town & see what it brings. good luck.
I will just add this, as for bantams, Silkies lay pretty normal sized eggs, where most bantam eggs are very small. I own 14 white silkies and 4 white showgirls, I can not wait to get more and to add different colors. Silkies have my heart by far. They are easy to catch and quit cute to watch, they are the most friendly chickens I have ever seen (might be because they can't see well) lol. The silkies keep our coop clean as far as food on the floor goes they eat it right up when another bird knocks in on the ground. I love my silkies, I hope that you will will chose them as your chickens!

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thanx for the replys guys great info... and Tabbie I promise I will only rescue not buy.. you have my word.. now just find me some silkies to rescue.. lol.. anything else I should know thats odd about keeping silkies happy ??
I have a silkie, she is so lovable, and my grandson can carry her around. She goes broody sometimes, lasts a couple months or so, then she starts running around again. Even when she is broody, we can still love on her and carry her around. If she ever happens to peck at you, it is ever so gentle, you can't even tell you've been pecked. Which she rarely does that anyway. Her name is Cotton, she is riding my horse Rosie in my avatar.

Welcome to BYC, and the addiction of chickens!!
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Hi im from tennesse & im a new member i raise gamecocks right now but i have raised different breeds over the years my favorite was old english game bantams i know ure probably saying gamecocks well they are a pretty complex bird to raise,fun,beutiful & noy only gamefowl lovers are in the sights of the hsus they are after anyone who raises any typle fowl or animal in 1993 the fbi opened a file on them calling them animal terroist so if u love your chickens you better start paying att to them they are tryimg to take your hobby your love of any fowl & make it a felony law abidimg citizems i will post more links later so u can c for your self im ready to c diff chick,coops & all the diffrent fun stuff tht comes with raising these beautiful birds butcherboy
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Silkies are gentle, quiet birds and would fit in well in a backyard situation. There are ways of getting hens to stop being broody, and any hen you do get could possibly go broody so don't let that stop you.

Hope you stop by the Michigan thread to say hi - look in the Where are you-Where am I section of the Forum
Hello from butcherboy iv'e been thimking about it i do beleive i would like to have me a couple silkie hens they make awsome moms my friend has some but will not get rid of none he says there his favorite so i understand were he is coming from im here in kingsport,tn are there someone out there that could help me & point me in the right direction thank you & god bless

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