Arkansas: Wanted: Any pullets/hens


12 Years
Nov 30, 2007
Central Arkansas
I need hens.
I dont care what breed, variety, or color.
I dont care of they are purple with black spots, and three legs.
I dont care if they sing musical numbers as they are laying the golden egg.
I dont care what size-chicken zilla is fine, as long as it lays an egg!

I've got too many roos, and not enough girls, and I'm too much of a softy to get rid of my cuddly roos.

I'm in Central Arkansas, and dont mind driving a bit to get a chicken. Thanks!

ETA: I am also willing to trade a snuggly roo to a good home for some hens, but with the promise he's not gonna be dinner!
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are you looking for laying hens, or pullets?

I've got some babies that are EEMutts coming up. 5 chicks that are 4 weeks old, and a bator full due to hatch on the 30th.

Also, what kind of roo do you have, and no, he wouldn't be dinner.

I'm trying to improve our flock, and will be "moving out" the smaller birds, and replacing them with better birds for out use / purpose.


p.s. - call your local 4-H / county extension office.... once the county fair is over, many of the kids will be selling / giving away the rest of their flocks.
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Hi! Its nice to see another Arkansan on the board!

I will take either laying hens or pullets. Right now I have 2 hens, 2 pullets, and 3 roosters 4:3 is not a good chicken ratio!

I have BB Red Old English Game Bantams. They are all supposed to be pure bred, but one has grey legs, like an EE. They are beautiful chickens, all born the end of April. They are pretty friendly-they like to sit next to me and chortle, but are way too "cool" to be scratched.

Thanks for the 4H suggestion! I hadn't thought of that.

I love EE's! It's like a suprise you get to see grow up!

If you want some standard sizes, I can offer you some of these chicks I've got. I've got two green/grey legged ones in the four-week olds, and with 30 in the bator, I'm sure that at least one-fourth will also be green/grey legged.

I'm not interested in Banties, yes, they're cute & cuddly, but my bunch are "working girls" (pun intended), and don't allow themselves to even be touched, let alone cuddle. I don't think a banty would fit in well with what I have.

PM me if you want some of these, and we'll work out the details.

Where are you at? There's quite a few Arkies here on the board, and several around LR.

I live in Paragould Arkansas (NE Corner). I have 5 black australorps pullets for sale for $8 each. They are 4 months old. They should be laying in about a month or so. I might consider selling a few more just like these if your interested. I dont know if I am too far of a drive for you but thought I would let you know what I had.
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