Arrrrgh! Porch patties!


9 Years
May 1, 2010
My free range birds have just decided they love to walk around on my concrete porch, sit on the decorative wall and hang out in the raised beds. They are covering everything in poo. Unfortunately, my goofy dog thinks the poo is a tasty treat. I also would like to avoid stepping in poo and tracking pathogens in the house. I have never had this problem before. Their coop as about 75 yards away in the woods. There are several fences between here and there to perch on, which they love, and lots of open yard full of weeds and grass. I love to see my birds enjoy the yard, but I would like to discourage them from hanging out on the porch, walkway, and paver walls. Does anyone have any ideas on how to discourage them, or do I just have to accept having their little patties everywhere?
My free range birds have just decided they love to walk around on my concrete porch, sit on the decorative wall and hang out in the raised beds. They are covering everything in poo. Unfortunately, my goofy dog thinks the poo is a tasty treat. I also would like to avoid stepping in poo and tracking pathogens in the house. I have never had this problem before. Their coop as about 75 yards away in the woods. There are several fences between here and there to perch on, which they love, and lots of open yard full of weeds and grass. I love to see my birds enjoy the yard, but I would like to discourage them from hanging out on the porch, walkway, and paver walls. Does anyone have any ideas on how to discourage them, or do I just have to accept having their little patties everywhere?
Spray bottle.. and you probably already saw this funny photo
Enclose/screen in the porch & screen door, garden hose ...
Yep, I have been using the broom, water bottles, hose. Screening the porch, sidewalk, retaining wall and raised bed is not an option. It would not work on my house. I could fence the birds in again, but i would rather watch them enjoy the yard and spray up the poops. Funny thing is we just had everything pressure washed and now they decide to hang out there. I guess I will just continue as I am unless someone has a behavioral modification idea. Thanks for the suggestions!
Honestly I have no clue how to stop them. :confused::he Mine roost on my porch, my lawn furniture, my picnic table... little poop bombs everywhere you step lol

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