Ashley or Ashton?


6 Years
Apr 30, 2013
Our pretty girl might not be. "She's" about 12 weeks in this photo and in the past couple of weeks, her tail feathers have become dramatic. After reading various posts on this subject in BYCs, I went out and checked her legs, but they don't seem oversized compared to the birds I KNOW are hens. I went into the coop and did an arm flap, and this bird didn't challenge or stand up to me, just dashed off with others, practically running over the ones that had instantly hunkered down. Although to be fair, I might be a poor actor when it comes to playing predator.

Anyway, what do you think, dear experts? Hen or Rooster?

That bird looks very rooish to me. Especially looking at the tail feathers. The coloring also indicates rooster. It's a very patchy looking pattern also making me think rooster. :/
My rooster is a year and a half and he's a sweetie, but he's terrified of me, and I hope to keep it that way so he doesn't become aggressive with me.
Oh man. "She" was a favorite of mine, but we can't keep a rooster in our patch of suburban-ville. Aaargh!

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