At what age can chicks start eating food other than feed?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
At what age can chicks start eating food other than feed? We have 10-day old chicks and were thinking we'd like to start offering treats.
I started at a week old, I gave them grit, boiled eggs (their favorite), bugs, worms, and oatmeal! I have to warn you, they will get spoiled quickly and not want to come see you for you.. just the food! I had to cut back so they would love me again! LOL!!
Now, IMO. You might do a search and find the BYC treats chart. Cooked egg or oatmeal is a common early treat, or yogurt. Keep in mind they can't digest lactose so you want to keep the quantity of yogurt pretty limited, but a little gives them some probiotic. And in case you haven't already read it about a dozen times, they will need a source of grit for many foods. For chicks I use the fine stuff at the bottom of my grit bag for the hens. Sand also works for chicks.
If pine shaving count as other food they start eating it at about 1 day old.

Just make sure you give them grit before anything besides their feed to help with their digestion.
Thanks for all of the advice. My chicks are going to have a good day tomorrow ~ lots of new yummy treats!
My 6 week olds just got their first treat other than mealworms today. They got some leftover banana and lettuce. Didn't care too much about the lettuce (as they are just obsessed with stealing blades of grass from each other at the moment) but they loved the banana and were all trying to drag it away.

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