At what age can I let my chicks outside?


The Happy Hen
11 Years
May 16, 2008
Nesconset, LI, NY

I have 10 chicks, 7 are 7 weeks old and 3 are 5 weeks old. I have them all together but I have had them in an indoor pen with no outside run. I have kept a light on in there for warmth so they are used to being a little warm. I would like to transfer them to an outdoor coop and run, but I'm afraid they might feel too cold. There is no lighting in the outdoor coop.

It's been fairly warm here but some nights it still gets down to the 40's and I'm worried that there may be a possibility of going down into the 30's. This isn't very likely but it could happen. I'm located in Long Island, New York, which is a little warmer than the rest of the state. What should I do? Thanks for any help!
I think technically, the 7-weekers are fully feathered and so, should be able to keep themselves warm, and the 5-weekers are almost fully feathered (will be at 6 weeks....).

I am curious to know others' perspective, too, as I just put my set of 8-weekers and my set of 6-weekers out tonight in BC and we are around 48-50 F overnight this past week...
The 7-weekers should not have any problems with chilly weather. I would think the 5-weekers would just snuggle down with the older ones and stay warm that way.
Just be sure their outside cage isn't drafty, and they have plenty of food and water.
We are new to the chicken family...but we have 8 chicks a few weeks old...we are putting them outside at 6 weeks.
My chicks are outside within the first few days, but they are with a broody.
The key is to be sure they are acclimated to the outside temperatures and provide a draft-free area with insulation (straw, etc) that they can huddle in if chilled.
Hello, I have 25 3 week old chicks and they are in a coop with 2 heat lamps. All are feathering and the coop has a door in the floor with a ramp. Under the coop is fully enclosed safe from you know who's. can I let them out it is going up to 75 today?
I have 2 baby chicks about 2-3 weeks old I let them run around in a small pen outside they seem happy and they were running up and down my legs and climbing up my arms and sitting on my shoulder I brought them inside in a box and now they are chirping loudly and only shut up after I put them in my lap should I permanently put them outside?:/
They may be cold. I took my 3 weeks old outide yesterday and it was 81 but once back inside they stayed under the lamp like they got cold. From what I"ve read on the site you have to wait until they get their feathers 6-8 weeks.

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