At What Age Will My Black Jersey Giants Start Laying


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 26, 2014
Saltville Va
I have 25 Black Jersey Giant Chicks & 3 roosters coming in the morning from Cackle & i am wondering at what age will my pullets begin to lay it's the first of this breed i have ever had i have done a lot of reading on them they seem to be a good breed .
I have 25 Black Jersey Giant Chicks & 3 roosters coming in the morning from Cackle & i am wondering at what age will my pullets begin to lay it's the first of this breed i have ever had i have done a lot of reading on them they seem to be a good breed .

My Jerseys were between 6-7 months before they started laying.. I love this breed, I have 6 and as of last week each of them has now went broody
My 5-month-old Jersey Giant hen just started to lay eggs. I was surprised because I thought it would be more towards 10 or 11 months. I heard that her waddle would get brighter red right before she lays and you can tell by the picture it did. She layed one yesterday for the first time and then again today! I wasn't expecting that either. lol


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My 5-month-old Jersey Giant hen just started to lay eggs. I was surprised because I thought it would be more towards 10 or 11 months. I heard that her waddle would get brighter red right before she lays and you can tell by the picture it did. She layed one yesterday for the first time and then again today! I wasn't expecting that either. lol
10-11 months?!
My chickens lay in half that time, around 20-30 weeks.
I had heard that because they take 2 years to mature that they start laying later. They're slow to mature, this breed. They get their height the first year and then they bulk up the second year. She is a hatchery chicken and not from a breeder so maybe that makes a difference.

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