Attn, Twin Cities, MN chick-owners


13 Years
May 5, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
If you have chicks and live in the Twin Cities Area (MN), this note is for you!
I have 2/3 of a 40-pound bag of starter/grower that I would love to give away to anyone who can use it.
Our girls are at point of lay and are already on layer crumble.

Anyone want it? It's free to the first taker! (I'm not going to deliver it, tho.)
Rats cposz, why didn't you get outta bed earlier?
I just got back from fleet farm with another bag of chick starter grower I know I'm not gonna use up. The girls are 20 weeks old now. At least I HOPE they don't use it up. I'll probably be posting a similar note to yours soon.

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