Just thought I'd post here and tell about my wonderful time at the auction in Graceville. I heard about the place from another BYC member. I had never been to a animal auction before and being the animals lover I am LOVED it!
There were calfs, goats, chickens, parekeets. I was determined to bid on something & I did!
I bid and won day old chicks!
They are very cute! We are clueless on what they are, but we love them!
We will be posting pics soon and maybe ya'll can help us figure out what they are. Like I had said I have never been to a auction before so I was just excited to bid and at 1st I didn't realize I was bidding on all 30 chicks--haha! I surely didn't need that many! I was outbid and the other person only wanted 1 chick so I was given the option to get as many as I wanted and I said I wanted 5. My husband picked them out and he had to carry them away in his hands (imagine if I would have got all 30-haha, he would have had them all in his shirt!) We have 16 other chickens and have done the whole brooder thing before. I am excited to get to know my new chickies!!!