Auction: RARE 12+ Lavendar Orpington Hatching Eggs - Beautiful and Big - Great Bloodlines!


Love God, Hubby & farm
11 Years
Apr 13, 2008
Bowdon, GA
Auction starts at $25.50 and increases with a minimum of $1 per bid. Auction runs from 3/23, 7:30 am to Monday, 3/26 9:30 pm EST,to ship week of 3/26 To bid please reply to this listing. Please subscribe to this listing if you want to stay current with bids.Postage is $17.50 and is Priority mail. We wrap and ship carefully because little lives depend upon it, but do not guarantee or replace eggs as shipping and incubation are out of our control. Do subscribe to this listing to keep up to date with the bids. Eggs may be picked up at the farm if scheduled. 12+ eggs means minimum of 12 eggs and more added if available the day of shipping. Paypal for this auction but direct orders from the farm take paypal or USPS money order.

These eggs represent Generation #3 of The Garry Farm's Lavendar orpingtons which originated with the HinkJC lines. The chicks from this group will hatch out all Lavendar. We just did a 100% hatch and 1/2 of our eggs were 10 days old so vitality is definitely there. Don't worry your eggs in the box will be at the most 3 days old! All the roosters and hens with this group are lavendar and Lavendar X Lavendar= Lavendar. Lavendar Orpingtons embody the friendliness of all Orps while adding brilliant color and stature and extra fluffiness and size! LO flock has 1 Lavendar rooster per 4 Lavendar hens. (Basket picture above is a custom hatch that has lavendar babies and other babies from our farm.) Remember this is a project and our farm and others have been working with them for years.

More information about our full time farm and our philosophy is available at our website
how we ship:
or facebook The Garry Farm or The Garry Animals for Sale Happy & Blessed Bidding! We farmfulltime,please give us time to answer questions!
Thanks for your interest and have a blessed day!

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