Austra while gender?


Feb 20, 2018
Is my Austra while a boy or girl?, it’s 5 weeks old and I still don’t know its gender. I heard that girls have large combs as well since it’s half leghorn but that’s what makes determining its gender so difficult. Also it sounds like it has a sniffly nose, it sounds rattly but it’s not in the chest.
As soon as I read the answers I almost cried, I’ve been so worried that she will be a roo that I was kind of convincing myself that she was since she had large freet and comb since she was a week old and there was definitely a difference compared to her welsummer sister that she hatched with. I’m so so so glad that you guys think she is a girl, now I just have to deal with her sickness, I have added apple cider vinegar to their water today so I’m hoping that will help but I wanna know if there is anything else I can do. P.S. I live in Australia so our brands of stuff are kinda different to everywhere else
You could try poultry vitamins in the water too. How long has she had the symptoms? I would isolate her for a couple of days from any other chicks you have in case it is viral, and watch if respiratory symptoms get worse (I. E. If she develops discharge from nose or eyes, facial swelling or breathing troubles). Keep her warm with plenty of food and water and she should recover on her own.
It's looking like a pullet at this point. Re-evaluate at 7 to 8 weeks of age. Any sudden growth or reddening of the comb and wattles is what you are looking for. If that doesn't happen by 8 weeks, you very likely have a pullet.

chokachucka has given good advice on how to treat this bird's illness.
You could try poultry vitamins in the water too. How long has she had the symptoms? I would isolate her for a couple of days from any other chicks you have in case it is viral, and watch if respiratory symptoms get worse (I. E. If she develops discharge from nose or eyes, facial swelling or breathing troubles). Keep her warm with plenty of food and water and she should recover on her own.
Ive only noticed it in the past day or so and yes I will separate hers and try find the proper medication for her, thank you

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