Australorp hybrids???

Nov 14, 2020
Hi fellow chicken lovers! I’m new here, and I’m coming to you in the hopes that some of you will have hybrid pics for me🙂

So, this past Thursday a couple of dogs broke through the fence to our chicken yard and massacred our flock. They killed 11 of my ladies, and our one Australorp rooster (who fought his little heart out defending his hens until my husband got out there and pulled the dogs away).
We immediately gathered up all of the eggs that were in the nesting boxes, bought an incubator and got the eggs in there. We’re so hopeful that some of the eggs will produce chicks so our brave roo and some of our ladies will live on!

So I’m looking for pics of the following Australorp roo hybrids:
Cuckoo maran
Cream legbar
White rock
New Hampshire red
Rhode Island red
Silver laced wyandotte
Buff Orpington
Easter egger

Thanks everyone!

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