Australorp Mystery Chicks

Are these boys or girls?

  • Black chick is a boy!

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12 Years
Apr 11, 2012
Nova Scotia
Ive got a batch of chicks from my friend Im helping to take care of. Several of them I am SURE are boys, thats why I took them, but there are 2 that might be girls and I want to confirm because they will go back to her if they are.

Its been a while since I raised chicks, so Im asking for a second opinion from the chicken experts!!!

I tried to get better pics but they are super shy.

Im pretty sure I got the right gray one in all the pictures, but the one picture with the gray chick on the left side by its self is the one Im trying to sex.

The picture of the black chick with her head down looking at the dandilions from under all the other chicks butts is the other one Im doubting is a boy. Super pretty chick, its more slate than black and is quickly becoming a favorite of mine!

Thanks everyone! :love


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The dark chick is in the lower part of this picture, you can see she is almost blue, but still very dark.


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They look to be about six or seven weeks old. Is that right?

If so then I think you have a black female and the dark blue also.

I also doubt the light blue being male. I know you weren't asking on that one.
Yeah I did want an opinion on the blue one too! :D Thanks for your thoughts! That darker chicks is just too pretty. I hope its a girl though, my friend would be happy about that!
They are super pretty. I would want them too!

My blue Cochin has the pretty smokey edges as well. Super pretty and interesting to look at. Total yard candy!
lol Thanks for the compliments on the avatar, makes me giggle each time i see it! haha

OOoh is that called smokey? I didnt know the color phase!! Shes soooo pretty! I reaaaaaaalllllyyy hope its a girl!
I don't know the true name for the patterning and color. It just looks smokey to me.

If I has to call it within an existing description I would have to say laced..... But I don't know what color would be in the description..... I only ever see them simply called blue.

I think it is a beautiful coloring. :)

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