

Oct 22, 2018
New Brunswick Canada.
Hi fellow poultry pals,
My first post here, I've kept chickens and ducks now for about 5 years and have always been lurking these forums for information. I finally registered !

After having kept the local "CO-OP" country store brown layer hens we decided it was time for some variation. Back in July/August, I can't remember exactly, we purchased 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes and got a deal with 5, we were told Austrolorps. I'm not disputing they are not this breed at all as I'm no chicken expert. They came from a reputable breeder, but after checking photos of this breed and their size I'm curious as to whether they actually are this breed as they still seem small after what is about 3-4 months. After seeing some Google images I imagined they would have grown bigger by now that's all.

From the photos of my hens can some breed expert please confirm they are in fact Austrolorps.

Thank you all.
Hi fellow poultry pals,
My first post here, I've kept chickens and ducks now for about 5 years and have always been lurking these forums for information. I finally registered !

After having kept the local "CO-OP" country store brown layer hens we decided it was time for some variation. Back in July/August, I can't remember exactly, we purchased 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes and got a deal with 5, we were told Austrolorps. I'm not disputing they are not this breed at all as I'm no chicken expert. They came from a reputable breeder, but after checking photos of this breed and their size I'm curious as to whether they actually are this breed as they still seem small after what is about 3-4 months. After seeing some Google images I imagined they would have grown bigger by now that's all.

From the photos of my hens can some breed expert please confirm they are in fact Austrolorps.View attachment 1568024 View attachment 1568027 View attachment 1568028

Thank you all.
They look like some black Austrolorps to me. Do they have a pinkish-white color on the bottoms of their feet? Some breeds have yellow, and if that was so then they aren't Austrolorps.
They do appear to be Australorps, unless of course the bottoms of their feet are yellow. The latter would indicate Jersey Giant. :)

I must agree with Jed, your little cuties seem on the small side for specified age. Are bantam Australorps available in the US?

What color is the bottom of their feet? Australorp are slower maturing. The barred birds are older I'm assuming?
The barred birds are only a month older at most! This is why I'm so curious about the black ones size.
Ok so tmrw I will check the feet color underneath, everyone is asleep right now !

If they are the Jersey Giant breed does the name give a clue to the future size?
What are they eating?
Over the summer I got some chicks that seemed far too small for their age, although some were twice the size of the others! Once I switched them onto my feed they grew in leaps and bounds, and I eventually read the label on the feed the previous owners sent with them. Well, it was a sort of special chick starter with pieces of whole grains--and it was meant to be fed with grit.
It really highlighted to me the importance of grit in a chicks diet, and the importance of reading labels too!

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