Autistic young man (25).. need member help to advance to own business


Nov 20, 2015

I was raised on farm with hundreds of chickens. One spring cleaning of hen house is enough for anyone. After (5) years of that, enough was enough. I thought at the age of (17) that I never wanted to see another chicken in my life. Now, I am (70) yrs. of age and have decided to put a young autistic man (25) into the commercial chicken business that will develop his public communications skills and maybe offer him an opportunity to be self-sufficient to a large degree for the rest of his life. We have 171 eggs under incubation at this time. He will be hatching out starting on Dec. 24. He will be selling his eggs at the Farmer's Market and after it closes at a Private Fruit Stand located in the community. In our state of Georgia it is necessary to have a "Candling License" to sell away from the farm, ranch, or house. He passed his test on December 9, 2015 and is now a "Georgia Licensed Egg Candler".
Given that this was his first successful attempt to be like everyone else, you can imagine his pride and enjoyment of his success.
His parents are divorced and they state, along with his siblings, that they have never seen such a change in him in his 25 years and we have not even gotten started. I have know him since 2000 and decided to do this in November of this year and we are making a lot of progress. You could say he is going to "FLY THE COOP, OF AUTISM". He is outstanding with animals, I asked him to dispose of his 60-70 hens and Roo's and he put an add on Craigslist and has been selling them off. We will be raising, French Black, French Blue, French Wheaten Marans; Black, Buff, Chocolate, Lavender Orpingtons, While these are not the best for selling masses of eggs, we will add those types later. We are into developing the market first.

How can you help?

I want to develop a banner and T-shirts and have the need for a photo of a "BIG BUTT HEN" from that observant position.
A Wyandotte or an Orpington would make one of the best photo's. Do you have such a photo, do you know of anyone who does, if copyrighted will you or they release it to me for this purpose. Please contact me if you can assist in this endeavor in this manner.

Thank you for reading and replying. All I need is a photo of the south end of a north bound chicken. (LOL)
I think you can "google" for free images - specify you want ' chicken butts," actually that is very popular among chicken folks, they usually call them fuzzy butts. Not sure but think cochins may have the largest butts. I'm sure they will be an array to choose from. Good luck. You are doing a very wonderful thing for what sounds to be a young man with lots of potential.+
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!

My granddaughter has autism and the chickens have been an amazing help to her. Her little sister has Spina Bifida. You can read their stories and how the chickens have made a difference in their lives at this link:

In the meantime I'll look through all the chicken photos I have and see if I have one that might help you. God Bless you for what you are doing in this young man's life!
Thank you to all that have replied. I am no longer looking for chickens that are flying north from a southern view point. I have been able to secure the permission of a "copyrighted item" to use on our banner and on our shirts and other media. When the time is right I will release this photo on this site so that you all can see what a wonderful thing that the owner of that copyrighted picture has granted permission for us to do. The fact that he would do this is totally beyond my comprehension. It is one of the most sought after animal pictures in existence. Anticipated announcement will be sometime in early April. I wish I could say that the hatch success to date is as successful as the achievement of the copyrighted photo, but that would be a gross overstatement even if we had a 99% hatch and we did not even make 20%.

Out of 32 French Black Copper Marans we only have 8 that hatched out and we have waited far in excess of time. We will be performing opening of eggs to see what might have happened.
Out of 7 French Wheaten Marans we had 1-live birth 3-that were not fertile and 3-that pipped but were to weak to make it.
We have started our 32 Buff Orpington hatch with a removal from the turner and have 6 that have come out today.
We have taken out of the turner today a lot of very expensive eggs that I paid up to $9.00 per egg (without shipping) for and they are in a brand new Hovabator Genesis that we purchased specifically for them:
Lavender Orpington; Chocolate Orpington; Black Orpington; Welsummer; French Blue Copper Marans; Blue Crele x Gold Lace, Chocolate Cuckoo Orpington; Buff Orpington ; Welsummer and from a Breeder and a Extremely Well Known Breeder's a Mix that will be a surprise.

We removed from another Hovabator, (34) Buff Roo x Isa Brown where we are trying to get some production chickens.
I believe that much of our problem was the fact that I made these purchases during the Holiday shipping period of BLACK FRIDAY, after Thanksgiving and that the fertile eggs did not have as good a chance of making it as they might have at another period of time.

That sounds wonderful! Oh,not the hatch, I'm sorry about that, of course...but the generosity of someone who is going to such lengths to help you both with your project! I certainly hope you'll keep us updated!

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