Automatic chicken door


5 Years
Apr 1, 2014
South West Michigan
I will be purchasing an automatic door in the coming week and was wondering if anyone could tell me which door the use or pros and cons of some automatic doors. Am very curious to see what door people recommend as I am fairly new to this chicken thing haha. Thanks
I use the ChickenGuard and it's great. Haven't had any trouble with it. It also has a lot of different ways you can use it, such as setting it to open via a light sensor or by a timer, etc. And you can set the opening and closing mechanisms separately, so for example you could set it to close via light sensor when it gets dark but set it to open at a specific time.
I also have had the ChickenGuard installed for a couple of months and am happy with it so far! It opens at daylight and I have it set to close just a smidge after dusk. If you're still in the building phase, you might consider whether the sensor will work indoors when constructing your door. We originally had a pulley door opening from the inside and had to reconfigure to accommodate a light sensor that needs to be outside.

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