AviaCharge 2000 question


Queen of the Zoo
11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Philomath, Oregon
I posted this in another section yesterday when I thought it was an emergency (I didn't get any replies), but now I know that the AviaCharge I put in my chicken's water turned their poo dark tealish blue. Has anyone else ever had this happen and if so, is it normal? I changed back to just straight water because to be honest, it freaked me out a bit to see dark blue/green poo all over the run!
Their poo is back to normal today.
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No, not that I could find and I tried searching for teal poo on the net and there is nothing! Every other color but not teal. I'm just glad it's gone. I'm going to try a test in a few days and put the Aviacharge back in a small water container and see. It's the only thing new I had added to their diet and they don't free range, so it is the natural conclusion it was responsible.

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