Awkward Leg Scales


Where Chickens Ride Horses
15 Years
Jul 9, 2007
always changing
Years ago, I had a bad bout of scaley mites. Some one had brought over banties that had it, and even their toes were missing from it, and another one ending losing a toe. I was treating with VetRX. Two of my girls ending up getting it too. I treated them also, but their scales have never been the same, and they keep growing weird. I continue to put mineral oil on them when it gets bad, and it softens and I am able to pull it off. I also put VetRX other times. Has any one ever experienced this? Is it like scar tissue from years ago, or is is just normal for older chickens's legs to get like this? This is a 6 year old hen. But my 6 year old RIR's do not have this, that have been here with this one the whole time. I have another hen whose legs get like this, and one of her legs seems to really hurt her. She keeps it up a lot, and this year she is mostly just setting. You can see it in her eyes she is in pain, and she just sort of squeeks out bawks now. It is so sad. The other chickens often go sit with her to keep her company. She does come out and play around the yard still, too.



My two chickens also have those same symptoms.

A while ago my rooster's one toe actually fell off. He also walks very funny and he usually holds one of his legs up.

The nails are also very different.

My hen has toe nails curling into a circle, and my rooster's toe nails are very long and straight.

I wonder if there is any cure for this. I havn't taken them to the vet yet.

Does anyone else know perhaps what is wrong?

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The hen whose leg hurts, also has the curling nails. The other one doesn't. You have to keep them trimmed or they will not be able to walk at all after awhile. Dog toe nail clippers work, but I use scissors because I do not have toe nail clippers. But I am going to go buy some. Once her nails got so long, she could not walk at all. So I clipped them and she started walking again. It is very hard to see the 'quick' though. If you cut that it will bleed. Lighter nails use can hold them towards the light and see it, kind of. How old are your chickens? If you do not have VetRX (from feed store) try putting mineral oil, or maybe even neosporin on the legs. VerRX is expensive, but it also has other uses for chicken ailments.
I have been too nervous to clip their nails myself, because of those nerves. I'm scared I might hurt them more.

My chickens are just over a year, and I havn't taken them to the vet at all. The consultation fees are too expensive...
I'm afraid whatever you're using isn't working because they're still actively infested.

I had great luck with Red-Cote, active ingriedient is scarlet oil. But there are any number of other things you can try. Just try something else. It took a good week of nightly treatments for change to be seen with my flock. When they're cured the scales will go back to normal, if they don't they're still infested.

Even after you get it under control they can become reinfested periodically, so you'll always need to keep on eye on it and will probably need to re-treat every once in a while.
If you want to kill the mites and stop trying to smother them, look up ivermectin/ivomec/eprinex ect. It kills internal and external parasites including most worms, mites and lice. Repeat in 2 weeks. This is off label, so eggs should not be eaten or the meat. Technically this means never, but most people wait 2 weeks. Don't do this if you sell eggs or meat. You will need to look up doses for the weight/size of your bird.
You need to treat ALL birds at the same time, not just the ones that look bad. Everyone has them, just some are more affected and look worse.

I am all for low cost and low toxicity things, but scaly leg mites are IN between the scales, way down in the skin- trying to kill something by smothering it in oil is too messy, takes too long, and does nothing if you can't get the material to the bug- which is often the case when the bug has been there for months.

Trim the long and curling nails- the worse thing that could happen is you cut one too short. Get some quick stop for nails (dog) from the feed/pet store if you want to be prepared.
Your birds still have scaley leg mite. It needs to be treated fast as they will be in a lot of pain. This is what you do:
4 CC/ML Ivermectin (INJECTABLE) in ONE gallon of water for 3 days,
repeat in 14 days (for 3 days). No other source of water should be provided.
Story: Puffy's & Momms's feet looked like new born baby feet after about a week. The scale just disappeared.
Vet also said that if they have any mites on their bodys they would bite
and die from the Ivermectin.

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