awww, little cross beak chickie


11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
central VA
I've been wondering about one of my week old babies. I had noticed that her comb was crooked. I picked her up today, and her beak deffinately crosses:(

I'm not going to keep her, but being a pullet, I will prolly rehome her in a few weeks. Anyone want a cross-beaked, black sex-link girlie?
I'm in central VA between Appomattox and Lynchburg. Do know that I have no intention of putting her down unless she is suffering-- she is not, she's doing as well as the others, and at this point the cross is not bad. I just do not want this trait in the chicks that I raise from my flock. As far as I know, she would be a fine layer.
What is cross beak?
look at my posting for my pics....I have a month old EE chick and she is doing quite well! Her name is "Kerby" (curved beak).

They just need a deep dish and they do pretty well, at least mine has so far!

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