Ayam Cemani


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 23, 2011
Ayam Cemani hatching eggs x3doz available for your consideration.

We have 2 large flocks of Ayam Cemani laying cream eggs and Ayam Cemani x Black Ameraucana that lay blue eggs. At this time of year they are the only hens that are still consistently laying out of several hundred birds of different Heritage breeds. Very prolific layers with high fertility rate.

This is the first time we are offering our fertile Ayam Cemani project eggs for sale.

Offering for your consideration up to 3doz Ayam Cemani eggs at $25ea egg. If you order a dozen or more eggs the price $20ea egg.

Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.
Thank you
Let me know if these egg are available for shipment to California zipcode 95134, thanks

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