babies coming

bj taylor

8 Years
Oct 28, 2011
North Central Texas
coop is finished & 25 babies from mcmurray coming 2nd wk in feb. six barred rock, 6 black australorp, 6 buff orpington, and 7 silver laced wyandottes. in for it now - no going back. i'm scared. hope they do allright.
Neat! Wish they were mine.

I'm forcing myself to wait until April.
Welcome to BYC
Good luck!! And don't worry about it much! The less you worry, the better they turn out.
You got the coop finished - you are way ahead of the game - relax and enjoy your babies
Read the stickies at the top of the page about raising babies. Loads of good info for newbies with chicks. I read them over and over and refered back to them as needed.

Have waterer and feeder set up before arrival. And call PO with a heads up about their arrival.

I started with 25 too. I now have far more than that! Hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Congratulations! Be sure to post pictures when they arrive. I have 6 hens right now and I am wanting more. I am trying to stick it out and wait until spring time. It isn't going too well which would explain why I am in the "Raising chicks" section of the forum...

It can be nerve wrecking being a first time chicken owner, but it really isn't too hard. My advice is take lots of pictures, they grow so fast! Seriously! With in a week they will start having some feathers.

Also, watch out for pasty butt at first. This is when a chick will have poop on its bum. You will need to wet a paper towel and wipe off their behinds to allow poop to pass through. But you wont have to worry about this after their first week.

Good luck! I am sure you will be fine!

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