babies first outside adventure at 4 days old


8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
yesterday was there first time outside in a 4x4x3 pen what an adventure it was they fought over a moth stealing it from each other and running. Then they found an ant hill and it was an all you can eat buffet. They would get mad at the clover flowers because they were still to tuff to pull out and run with them. never once did they seem to be in distress and all 6 of them were out for about 3 hours, and as soon as i put them back in there cage they all fell asleep instantly under there heat lamp. I will be putting them back out today again. And at all times they had shade, water, and food and were supervised . We still have not thought of names for the the 5 hens and 1 rooster, they are 2 white rocks, 2 partridge rocks, 1 barred rock hen and 1 barred rock rooster. We took lots of pictures and i will post them as soon as i figure out how, and pictures of there new coop for when there older.
yes they would just need some heat and some sand to keep the happy and able to digest as if they were with there mum she would take them out when ever she wanted to

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