May 20, 2022
Hi everyone I’m so so worried. My babies are 2 weeks old today and they are both sneezing like this. Their appetite is great. They are alert and chirping away like normal. For the first week we didn’t ever touch them without washing and hand sanitizer every time. Now we’ve relaxed a bit. They do come out one a day but no more than 10 mins. I made them a tiny little baby chick run abou 1 1/2 foot by 1 1/2 foot long and they’ve gone in that twice for no more than 15 mins so they could get fresh air. Their brooder has a heat plate and their bedding is barley hay.

I don’t understand how they are sneezing we’ve been so so careful ! Are they sick? But how we have no flock just these two babies. 😫😰 any help would be appreciated. Please here’s a video on what it sounds like. They do dig like CRAZY in that hay and today I changed their bedding. I change it on hatch day, so it’s been emptied and cleaned twice (since they are two weeks now)
I’m not seeing the video. Sneezing may be due to the hay and dust, and spilled water can cause mold spores. Where did the chicks come from, a hatchery, feed store, hatched by you from your eggs or others, or from a breeder? Sick chicks usually appear lethargic and don’t drink well. I would think about switching to pine shavings or sand bedding.
I agree with the above comments. Hay not only can be very dusty, but if it gets wet, even a little, in a warm environment mold forms very very quickly. A little dusty hay even puts me in a sneezing fit.
That sounds more like just an environmental problem unless you have had another chicken in the past with a respiratory issue. Play sand is probably good from Lowes or Home Depot.
No first time keeping chickens so this is all so new to us but we are trying our best. So like kids sand box type ? Thank you again
I agree with the above comments. Hay not only can be very dusty, but if it gets wet, even a little, in a warm environment mold forms very very quickly. A little dusty hay even puts me in a sneezing fit.
Haha true oh darn I feel bad 😞 I thought hay was a good idea. I will be replacing that ASAP!! My poor baby pompoms 🥺

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