In the Brooder
- May 10, 2015
- 37
- 5
- 24
I am new to raising chickens and have three Buff Orpington females among my flock, they are three weeks old. Up until two days ago they were the most docile of my birds, even more so the bird I am concerned about. Two days ago she began frantically crying and trying to escape every time we would hold her. Yesterday I noticed that it looks as though she is molting. She has the spiky feathers coming through what looks to be bald spots on her wings, neck, and tail feathers. She is also shedding feathers while we hold her. She is still eating and drinking, and she shows no sign of distress when she is with the other birds. I noticed today that her feet are completely different from my other two buffs. While they have pink healthy looking feet, her feet resemble my Ameraucana chicks--dark colored, sort of dark gray with some yellow in the cracks. There has also been some strange droppings in the brooder box--watery and lighter brown. Any ideas what could be wrong? I am so in love with these little ones and would hate to lose one.