Baby chick gasping for air! Water in lungs???


May 11, 2015
I have a baby chick that hatched early this morning and after being in the brooder for a short period of time he become almost lifeless. I took him out, wrapped him up and gave him some vitamin water with a syringe.

He seemed fine for a half hour or so and even perked up but now he's gasping for air and flipping his head back. He also makes clicking noises when he breathes and occasionally peeps but flops all around when he tries to move.

Could he have gotten water in his lungs?? I don't know what to do other than keep him quiet and comfort him.
How hot is your brooder? Check it with a thermometer at chick level, make sure your heat source is at one side to provide area for them to get away from the heat if they want to. I start brooding at 90 F under the lamp. Food and water on cold side of brooder.

Gaping mouths from new hatches is usually a sign of being too hot. Like a dog it's how chickens try to cool down.
It's at 92 F. I just put him back in the brooder but he's laying on his back and not moving very much at all.

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