Baby chick not growing.


16 Years
Aug 3, 2007
Honeoye Falls, NY
Looking for some advice about a 10 day old baby chick (Welsummer) that has not grown. The top pic is her next to same age cuckoo maran and bottom pic is her with same age Welsummer.

At about day 3 she had a bout of mucous poop that lasted a was like stringy egg white type substance. Soon after that her vent pasted up, which I was able to clear...she has been eating and drinking since, but hasn't grown like the others. She also is much less active and a little unsteady on her legs.

She is one of seven chicks and they are starting to push her around a bit now ☹️

Any advice or words of wisdom would be great!!

Those chicks seem to not make it, most times. Failure to thrive or something else that just keeps them from growing. We had a little silkie that was the same way. She made it to about 5 weeks and then her body just gave out.
She looks ill - maybe just got a slow start and some TLC might help?
The early poops sound like she was not eating enough. And now too little to compete and is getting weak.

I would separate her in the brooder, so she can see the others and they can see her but not peck her - with her own water and feed. Try feeding her some boiled egg yolks or scrambled eggs. Add some sugar/lytes ( like say-a-chick) or search for how much sugar to put in her water. Make sure she is drinking, eating, pooping.

Good luck, hope the little gal makes it :hugs
Thank you both! I figured out a way to separate her but everybody can still see each other. I can keep better track of food intake and poops now too. (So far not much of either). Will try some egg yolks and sugar water next and hope for the best! At least she's not being picked on while her body does whatever it's going to do. Here's hoping!
Sad to report my little chick passed away in the night. I'm happy that she was at least able to do so peacefully. I found all the girls asleep this morning, cuddled up as close to her as they could get ❤️ Such sweet birds

Thanks again for your suggestions. Fingers crossed the rest will continue to do well
Sad to report my little chick passed away in the night. I'm happy that she was at least able to do so peacefully. I found all the girls asleep this morning, cuddled up as close to her as they could get ❤️ Such sweet birds

Thanks again for your suggestions. Fingers crossed the rest will continue to do well

Awe, I'm sorry. Sometimes they just don't make it.
Sad to report my little chick passed away in the night. I'm happy that she was at least able to do so peacefully. I found all the girls asleep this morning, cuddled up as close to her as they could get ❤️ Such sweet birds

Thanks again for your suggestions. Fingers crossed the rest will continue to do well

So sorry - it's hard to lose any. :hugsBut at least you gave her a chance.
Sincerely hope all the rest grow up to be healthy and lay many eggs.

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