Baby Chick Poo - foamy


16 Years
Jul 2, 2008
West TN
My chicks are 3 and 4 days old. Yesterday I remember seeing them poo and it was pretty normal.
Today I noticed their poo is foamy and kinda green.
All I had was unmedicated chick starter at first and today I changed to medicated chick starter.
Could that be causing it?
Will it go back to normal on its own after they get used to it?
Anybody else seen it before?
Chick poo changes alot depending what you feed them. I asked about mine several times and kept getting told so long as it doesn't last and they are acting normally otherwise not to worry.

Also chicks won't get cocci until around the 2week mark so it won't matter right now if they are on unmedicated for a few days. The only problem as you've found is upsetting their digestive tract by switching feeds too frequently to get them on a medicated feed.
ok...I figured that since they all changed at the same time and i had just changed their feed that it had just upset their stomachs.
They are acting fine otherwise.

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