Baby chick questions


10 Years
Dec 19, 2009
haughton louisiana
We need some advise please.

Mama and 6 chicks are in the brooder. The youngest chick is a week old. Mama has started laying again.When can we let them out of the brooder? How do we do this best for the chicks? How do yall handle this?
Just my opinion other may differ but you can get them out when you please, yet if she is the source of heat then I would wait a little bit for them to feather out a little more but I bought 2 cochins that were hatched from their mother and we got them at 3 days old.
The weather here is not getting under high 70s in the evening. Is that too cool for them at night relying on mama?

She has been very protective in the brooder. She has been the heat for them and they have done fine.
They should have a heat of some type of 95 degrees the first week taking that down by 5 degrees every week after that so if not by mama then by a heat lamp until they have there feathers
Well as long as she is not laying fertile eggs, they should be fine until their back and neck feathers come in I would just make sure you collect the eggs.

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