Baby Chick (Rooster) Not Growing


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
I have 9 approximately 5 week old chicks living together under a heat lamp. They are a mix of silkies, americanas, Rhode Island whites and reds, and a barred rock that is suppose to be a rooster. I am very worried about the barred rock because he is much smaller than all the others. He acts just the same as the others and eats well. Is he going to just be very small? What can I do to help him grow? Thank you! I can attach pics.

I've raised several roosters and one thing I've noticed is, that they seem to take longer to grow. They've kept their baby fuzz much longer,too.
I bet he will be fine, maybe just a late bloomer.
Thanks so much for the quick response! This makes me feel much better. How much longer does it generally take for the roosters to develop? I have some experiencing with hens, but this is my first rooster.
I find to the contrary that size wise cockerels get taller with thicker legs than pullets. Is there a chance he's a bantam and the others standard?
I did have a runt cockerel in a batch of Freedom Rangers once. It ended up half the size of the others.

IMHO, there's nothing you can do if they're together and all eating the same thing. He'll grow as his genetics allow.
Thanks for the suggestion. I was told he is a regular size chicken, not a bantam. Should I be giving him a product like Nutri-Drench for some extra vitamins?
Thanks for the advice. I'll probably get him that stuff just to give him an extra boost.

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