Baby chick throwing up water?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
Dallas, Texas
When my week old chick drinks water, she doesn't go back down for another sip as fast as my other chick. I thought maybe she just likes to savor the crisp taste in her mouth or something.
I also noticed that she always makes a crowing gesture as though she was an adult but doesn't make a sound. I've always thought that was just her yawning or something.
Just a second ago I saw her throw a little bit of water back up and drink it after she took a drink and still didn't go back down for another.
Is this normal?
Do I need to add something into her diet?
Is she too excited and stressed?
I don't think it's normal, but I don't know if you need to do anything about it. Is there any reason she would be excited and stressed? Does her poop appear to be normal?
Could she be aspirating the water?


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I've just given them starter feed and they're on wood shavings as bedding.
Ya' know, the kind for hamsters and such.

If you mean that word to say removing excess water through the mouth, then maybe. She's been drinking more than her sister.
If it's cedar, I would remove it immediately. That oils are toxic for chicks and can make them gasp.

Kiln dried pine shavings are ok, but they should be covered for several days until the chick finds the food dish. This will keep them from eating the wood shavings and the shavings getting impacted in the crop, causing them to choke.
My week old harlequin is doing the same thing? was yours ok?
this is my first time raising fowl. I have a welsh harlequin and a barred rock chick

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