Baby chick with goopy eye and can’t shut it


May 14, 2020
Hello everyone I hatched 17 chicks 2 weeks ago. A few days ago when I got back into state I noticed one of the baby chicks had wood chips stuck on its eye. I used a warm rag to soften it and wiped it all off. Past 3 days I’ve wiped goo from its eye and it just keeps building up. I separated it today to see how it well it eats and drinks. I also noticed it’s the smallest one out of all 17 that hatched also around the eye gets so hard it cannot close its eye. Any information will help. It’s the only one that’s like this. The picture was taken after cleaning the goo out of the eye and using warm water and a q-tip to try to soften so its eye could close
How is your chick doing?
Doing good we started apply this eye cream around the eye. I forgot the name of it I’m not home rn but it’s eye is barely puffy but no more goop in it. Also it has started to put on size now. And it running and playing with the others. So it doing a lot better than what it was. You can barley tell which eye it was now

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