baby chickies threw the mail!! what do i do?!


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 11, 2012
okay, so i have raise lots of babies that my hens have hatched but ive never incubated them myself or mail ordered then. i have seven roos
and only eight hens so i ordered 16 little baby hens from meyer hatchery. i cant wait for them to come, only three days!!
but anyways, i am new to this site and hope im posting this in the right place! i just wanted to know if there is anything special i need to do for these little chicks. ive read up on it on the internet but im not sure what is a must. if youve ever gotten chicks threw the mail please tell me about your experience and what you did to prepare for your chicks! thank you sooo much! i need all the help i can get!
i dont wanna hurt these little babies! oh also, if you ever ordered from meyer hatchery, please tell me if you liked them or not and your experience with them!!
something to put them in that doesn't have drafts, heat source, electrolytes for water, chick waterer(do not use a bowl), chick food, bedding thats not slippery. I have never ordered from Meyer but from plenty of other places. Just be prepared SOMETIMES a chick or two do not make the trip and die during shipment. Hatcheries usualy included a couple of extra chicks to compensate for that. Make sure you dip their little beaks in the water so they know where it is
okay, i will look into that! is it a must or just good to have on hand?

that is such a cute name! i bet you love that theyre hairless, no hairballs around the house!
In my opinion it is a must especialy when they have been shipped. You can also add sugar to the water if you can't get electrolytes. I have 6 cats he is the only hairless one so I still get hairballs around the house
oh, okay. thank you sooo much! and i know how that is, i have six cats too but two are barn cats. do your other cats treat him weird or do they not notice?

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