Baby chicks and vinegar


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
mtns of ,NC.
I have seen post about putting vinegar in the drinking water of chickens and chicks. What age do you start it and do you use pasteurized on non-pasteurized apple cider vinegar?
thanks Jean
I was just wondering this about my chicks. I use it in my older pullets(6mon) water and was wondering when to start my baby chicks on it.

I'll be watching to see what others have to say.
Provides Vit. C, which is a great immune system booster. It may have other properties of which I am unaware, but this is why I give it. I just use it as a preventive to infections. Always worked for my bunnies when they got pink eye...cleared it up in a couple of days.

Whenever I feel cold-like symptoms, I power up on the OJ and it noticeably helps fight it, who knows?
I put it in my chicks water when they are about 2 weeks old. When It's time for them to come off their vitamins and electrolytes. I put it in their water everyday, I knew a lady in my church would drink a cup of warm water with APV, and honey in it everyday, she even smoked lived into her late 70's 'lil' bitty woman she was real sweet. I figured good for us everyday should be good for my chooks everyday , well once a week I put DE in their water in precaution of worms.
Thanks everyone!
I am just going to start new babies in Oct. and am trying to learn all I can ahead of time.
Another question. I am going to have to start my babies inside during the nights because it is going into the 40's here then. But the question is can I set them out on my screened porch during the days which are in the 70's and 8os if I keep the light on them? I know probably not the 1'st week but when? Thanks Jean

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