Baby chicks heart looks like it's about to pop out


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
Los Angeles, CA
I'm new to chicken raising, I have one 5 weeker and two 2- 3 weekers I'm not sure. One of the 2-3 weekers looks funny to me I don't know if this is normal but it's scaring me. Any help is appreciated.

It looks like a full crop which is where the food is stored, and can look pretty big in chicks who are eating well and young. As long as the chick is not acting sick it is probably fine.
It looks like a full crop which is where the food is stored, and can look pretty big in chicks who are eating well and young.  As long as the chick is not acting sick it is probably fine.

It doesn't look to bad in the photo but in real life it's so scary you can see her veins! May she seems pretty healthy
Baby chicks can have enormous crops after they eat a lot of food, and their skin is very thin. Make sure that the crop goes down in size periodically, and that it doesn't feel hard. Sometimes chicks can get impacted crop from eating their bedding when they are learning to eat feed. The crop is on the chick's right side under the neck, and it is where food is stored until it moves on in the digestive tract.


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