"Baby chicks" or "chicks"

SA gardener

May 23, 2020
Johannesburg, South Africa
I don't know if this is the right topic to post this in, but I didn't see any other that seemed suitable

Over the past couple of weeks I would Google things related to my day old chicks, and very often I would just use the word "chick" when searching. However I realised that I kept turning up results about adult chickens. This was frustrating as "chick" to me always meant baby bird. So I decided to add the word "baby" in front of it when searching. And surprise....all the results were about young chickens. I am no linguist but I know that if "chick" is defined as a "baby bird" then saying "baby chick" is like saying "baby baby bird"😁. It's called redundancy. My question is , why does almost every website and person refer to them that way ? Has anyone else ever thought about this before😬 ?
I know I usually wind up calling them baby chicks when they're on baby brain (the first day or so when they just sleep and flop around.) Once they act like normal chicks, I drop the baby part

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