Baby Goats And Diapers?...


15 Years
Nov 11, 2008
Vicksburg, MS
Hey everyone I am wanting to buy a baby goat when I go to texas and was wondering something. I already have goats, but never had a baby one. What I'm wondering is, when they are a baby, can you put diapers on them so they can run around the house or will they not fit. I'm talking about the regular baby diapers you buy at the store.

yes you can. Cut a hole for their tail if you like

They tend to fall off when they get a bit 'full' ... pity the goat cant put another one on or you'd have a self-changing goat!

With a little boy, put a diaper on the back end, and get a sanitary pad and a dog jumper for the piddle in the middle, the dog jumper holds the pad in place
we always have our baby pygmies wear diapers since they are house goats they need to. For the boys I just buy a larger size then needed so that I can stretch it up and foward to reach. I also use premie/newborn onsies to hold on the diapers better since they always seem to wiggle them off.

he's not wearing a onsie but here is a goat in a diaper, you can see it is high enough for a boy goat to go potty. I would guess he is in size 3 or 4.
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I used regular diapers and I didn't cut a hole for the tail. My first goat, the one in the pictures, lived in our house until almost a year old! I ended up using the adult diapers on his butt and then attached two kid's diapers around his middle.



With my next indoor babies, I gave up on the diapers; it was easier to clean up after them right after they went than to deal with the darn diaper.

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