Baby with bad wing! With pics!

Pigeon Power

6 Years
Mar 28, 2013

I know its never been I said before...Never seen this before and was wondering what it could be and if their is anything I can do.The one side is normal and feathered out the other still in pins...more pics if needed
I also have never seen anything like that. Hopefully the weight of the pinfeathers is pulling the wing out like that. It almost looks like angel wing in ducks. Keep us updated on how this bird does.
Use a piece of electrician's tape around the wing after laying the feathers in the proper position (primaries under secondaries). Keep the tape on for at least 4 days and then check. This can be permanent if not corrected. It comes from extra protein in the diet causing the protein rich feathers to grow too fast. Good luck
I went out this morning to maybe try my best to tape the poor thing all up and the little guy was up on top of the nest box with his parents wing looking completely normal....Hokum you were right just a late bloomer! I was very pleased!
they say angel wing is caused by to much protein in the feed did you feed a chicken starter most the time that is the problem just looks bad birds are normal other than that

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