Back in the hen house


In the Brooder
Sep 29, 2015

Good morning from Alabama. I am back raising chickens again and picked up some gorgeous birds this weekend. I was told that I had 3 hens and 2 roosters. However, this is what both of my roos look like, and I have been told that they are not roos buthens instead. I look forward to interacting with y'all.
That is one beautiful chicken. My vote is roo too, but they're all hens 'till they crow, right?
I need to pay attention better, your typo had me in a quick panic - what's a buthen??? I almost googled it

You're going to have a great flock!
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I too would say you have a roo there. Could you get a pic with the tail showing? This would really help. Lovely bird you have there. Wishing you the very best of luck in the future.

Enjoy BYC and all the chicken chat :frow

@Justso It should read "been told they are not Roos but hens instead" just a typo, the space is missing between but and hens.

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