Bad Broody hen!


11 Years
Nov 10, 2008
Dallas, TX
I have a broody Java. She keeps messing with me. We have 3 nest boxes in the coop. At first she was on 4 or 5 eggs in the far left nest box. She sat for two days then got up. Then she started sitting on a few eggs in the middle box. She was there for a day, then got up. NOW she's in the far right. I am tired of her stealing my eggs, getting my hopes up, and then leaving!
She has been in that dang nest box now for two days with NO eggs under her. If she keeps sitting there, should I separate her into the tractor and only give her one box to sit in? (with eggs under her, of course.) I have never had a chicken that sits on eggs for a few days then leaves.

Any suggestions?
my golden laced wyandotte has been doing that for 3 weeks. i wasnt going to let her hatch any but i decided to let her . i had to put her in the dog kennel this is the second attempt with the kennel as last week she wouldnt stick with it. this week i tryied it on monday and shes stayed right on the eggs. so hopefully march 15th she will have babys.

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