Bad bumblefoot, how to treat? (Images)


Oct 17, 2020
My hen Rose seems to have gotten bumblefoot while I was on vacation for a week. Her caretakers must not have noticed because it seems bad like it’s been there a while. She isn’t limping or favoring one foot, and is continuing to cluck and eat normally.



there is a clear scab on the bottom and as you can see, the injury rises above her toes. It’s late so all I could do tonight was spray the injury with poultry wound spray and once it was dry I put her back in the pen. Tomorrow I know I should soak her in Epsom salts, but should I make an incision? One of my ducks had bumblefoot a while ago and soaking alone was enough to clear it. What do I do and can this be deadly?
Soak her in warm Epsom salts for at least 20 minutes, usually with a scab like thst you can pull out the scab with sterile tweezers. Gently clean out the abcess like you would a zit, it will be thick. You might be able to pull it the abcess membrane but anyway, clean the cavity out with water and add antibiotics ointment. Sterile Gauze and wrap. Change every day. Duck tape makes a good sole for the wrap.
I'm in the same boat.
Soak her in warm Epsom salts for at least 20 minutes, usually with a scab like thst you can pull out the scab with sterile tweezers. Gently clean out the abcess like you would a zit, it will be thick. You might be able to pull it the abcess membrane but anyway, clean the cavity out with water and add antibiotics ointment. Sterile Gauze and wrap. Change every day. Duck tape makes a good sole for the wrap.
I'm in the same boat.
Thank you! Does it look too severe? I’ve heard chicken bumblefoot is easier to treat than duck, so I’m hoping she heals up well. Also, should I soak before or after I’ve taken the scab off?
Thank you! Does it look too severe? I’ve heard chicken bumblefoot is easier to treat than duck, so I’m hoping she heals up well. Also, should I soak before or after I’ve taken the scab off?
It doesn't look that bad to me. soak it for at least 20 minutes before you remove the scab, it actually with be closer to a plug like a blackhead in a zit, once that it removed, you can soak it to loosen the pus.
We soaked her foot and pulled the plug out, although we were only able to get a little bit of the puss. The bump is a bit softer now but still needs more work. We bandaged it and will check back later. She’s still acting normal, so that’s good.

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