Bad case of the scaly mites on 3 silkies Pics included


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 13, 2011
Okay so if anyone has read my other post about my silkie having the weird foot fungus here is some updated pics of my silkies feet after 3 days of scrubbing and applying petroleum jelly to their feet. I got alot of crust off and today when I was scrubbing and peeling off the extra mite poo their skin starting ripping off as well, causing some bleeding. Now, is this okay? Because the skin peeled off so easily. And underneathe looked like fresh skin. Also, their scales closest to their claws are peeling off cause they are in such bad shape. Will these scales grow back? Am I scrubbing to hard? Is there anything else I can do for my silkies because now they are in alot of pain from the scrubbing and the bleeding.

This is after 3 days. Look to the bottom for before...





Before scrubbing.........



Stop peeling! You can get infection started in there. Just soak with oil and each time just flick at the edges so the oil can ease under the crust to loosen it. If the crust is thick you can scratch the surface of it and apply oil with a q-tip to let it soak in. You want to try to get the crust to soften and come off without bleeding. Patience with it. It can take some days to do. I did mine twice daily till they were done. I ususally spent up to 30 minutes each time. Epsom salts warm water soak can help with the soreness and raw skin. Just don't hurry the crust removal.
Oh and there were silkies in the bunch I dealt with and their toes looked like little dinosaur toes. Poor babies! But at least they shouldn't lose any toes. I would work oil one foot then the other and let the oil do the work. I didn't scrub any.
I havent peeled anything today. I just rubbed the petroleum jelly on their feet, because they were in a lot of discomfort when I was peeling the crust off yesterday. They are eating and their poop is kinda runny and browish red. But I assume thats from moving into another area to be quarantined from the others and being stressed.
What measures have you taken regarding your treatment of the area of infestation, this should be the #1 priority, or this problem will just get worst and it already looks bad.


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