Bad days.....


Out of the blue
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Today is one of those when everything seems to conspire against you.

I'm not laughing. I'm hungry, disappointed and angry, but it's basically a rule of life that things can only get better.......

Hope that holds out.

edited for language.
Last edited by a moderator:

We can wallow in the depths of despair together then.

You know, its one days like these that weird things happen to save your sanity.

e.g. When I was stranded in the middle of nowhere, with hardly any money and no phone, and the payphone wasn't letting me get a connection, I was at my wits' end until the phone spat my 50c back out due to having failed my requests, and my sanity was saved.
There are three basic principles to life:

#1. Life is gonna dump on you.

#2. Life is gonna dump on you.

#3. Refer back to rule #1 and #2.

Eeeeenie! NO!
I would never openly write a bad word on this forum!

You know how there's a popular site used in conjunction with MLIA?
The title was edited because it used to say that instead of 'Bad'...

No idea common abbreviations wouldn't be allowed, but I guess rules are rules.

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