I have several different breeds and they are all demanding and unruly! Now I am exaggerating somewhat but I do wish they were a little friendlier.
I raised them from day old chicks and I handled them a lot hoping they would get used to it so I could handle them when I needed to. Nope!
Golden and Buff Laced Polish... aloof, superior
Cuckoo Morans... demanding, pushy
Golden Wyandottes... mean! mean as snakes!
Araucanas... unapproachable
Blue Andalusians... I have 1, 1 out of 5, that is sweet. She likes to be held and petted. She is the most outgoing of my flock but the other BA's are quite shy.
Do these behavior issues have anything to do with me having so many different breeds or are these temperments typical of each of the breeds I have?
I was wondering what other peoples experiences have been with different breeds.
I'm very curious! Please share!

Golden and Buff Laced Polish... aloof, superior
Cuckoo Morans... demanding, pushy
Golden Wyandottes... mean! mean as snakes!
Araucanas... unapproachable
Blue Andalusians... I have 1, 1 out of 5, that is sweet. She likes to be held and petted. She is the most outgoing of my flock but the other BA's are quite shy.
Do these behavior issues have anything to do with me having so many different breeds or are these temperments typical of each of the breeds I have?
I was wondering what other peoples experiences have been with different breeds.
I'm very curious! Please share!