bands on the wings

Trinity Acres

11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
My wife and I recently purchased our first four chicks. They have these bands on their wings that were used by our country store to identify the sex of the chick. The band goes through the wing and then clips to the other end. How do I remove these bands? I am afraid if I try to just pull the band through it will hurt the chick. Can anyone offer any advice>
You can cut the band through the top with cutters and pull it through the hole. It may bleed a little, but it shouldn't be that bad. I guess it depends on how long the band has been on. There is a blood stopping powder, I'm sorry but I can't think of the name of it right now, but we get it at TSC that I have used on my animals to control bleeding. I think you can also use corn starch. You might just be able to cut it where it clips together. The band just might fall apart and not have to be pulled through any holes. Hope it helps.
Why would the store do that? It seems a harsh way to indicate gender. Cruel, even. Is this a widespread practice?
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